• Clean Healthy Living and Shower Liners

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    Strange title, I know.

    But since 2014, my business partner and I have been building a brand named “Clean Healthy Living”.  We’ve mostly mostly been selling on Amazon.  But in the few months, I’ve taken the time to build and online store outside of Amazon that will sell these products.  Our first sale was in January 2017, but already in February we’ve gotten a nice steady sales stream that will nicely compliment our Amazon business.

    You can see the site here, especially if you are interested in buying a PEVA Shower Liner. That has been our best seller for quite some time. We have content on the blog coming out every two weeks and we’ll soon be building up the social media following. Check it out.

  • Complete Blog Makeover

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    Well, it’s 2017, so I guess this site should start looking a little better.  When it was originally designed a million years ago, it looked pretty cool at the time.  But now it’s time for a much better look.  More importantly, it’s now optimized for mobile.  I’ve started and stopped this blog so many times I can’t keep track.  But I’ve got a lot going on in my life and figured it’s time for a redesign.  Maybe I’ll keep up on it better now.

    This is what it used to look like:


    This is what it looks like as of today:

  • Massachusetts Hardwood Floor Installation

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    I’m pretty excited about my niece and nephew’s new business doing hardwood floors in Massachusetts.  They live in Massachusetts and started their own business after being successful at hardwood flooring for years.  My nephew is Greg Selby and he started Finish First Floors.

    Finish First Floors offers hardwood floor installation and refinishing in eastern Massachusetts.  They are based out of Uxbridge but service the entire area.  You can see their new site (which my niece made) at www.FinishFirstFloors.com.

    I’m happy to have another entrepreneur in the family.  Greg will do great.  He’s very talented as you can see from the pictures on their site.  If you’re in Massachusetts and need hardwood flooring, check out the site and contact them.

  • My New Productivity Coach – Commit Action!

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    Today I signed up to have a weekly call with a productivity coach.  This has been about a month in the making.  It all started when I watched a recorded seminar video by Peter Shallard.  Peter is known for being the “Shrink for Entrepreneurs”.  He’s built a bit of a specialty for himself.

    He has some amazingly interesting content on how entrepreneurs typically have the information they need and the tools they need, yet they typically do not succeed.  The main culprit is procrastination.

    This is something I’ve known and worked at for the ten years I’ve been in business.  I’m proud of my business, my abilities, and (in general) my time management abilities.  I’ve even taught classes on the subject that have been very well received.

    Yet, I agree with Peter Shallard that eliminating procrastination as much as humanly possible is by far the single most important thing I could be doing for my business.  Quite honestly, it is probably the most important thing I could do for my personal life too.

    After implementing the concepts and tools that Peter has recommended in his free content over the last month, I’ve felt my productivity increase.  More importantly, I’ve felt my business move forward.  So today I took the next step and became a client of his.  The company is called Commit Action and they have a monthly membership in which a productivity coach calls you once per week and keeps you on track.

    Let’s do this!  I can’t wait to see how much this helps.  I have a good feeling about it.

  • Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s (Experience)

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    In May 1992 my father (John W. Creed) was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

    According to Wikipedia, Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system.  But from my viewpoint, it is a disease that has slowly caused my dad to slow down and move in ways he has no control over.  It has also changed his appearance some.  More recently, either the disease or the meds he takes for it seems to affect his thinking.  He can get confused easily at times.

    But he’s definitely still dad.  He has his same sense of humor, loves his family, loves bluegrass music, and playing guitar with his lifelong pal, Eddie.  He also has a deep love for God.  Both he and mom have lovingly instilled that in their children (Tammy and I) and their two grandchildren (Tammy’s daughters Becky and Kayla).


    Over the years since dad was diagnosed, he has primarily taken medications for Parkinson’s.  He is currently up to about 20 pills per day.  Of these 14 are specifically for Parkinson’s, namely Carbidopa (Sinemet) and Ropinirole.  Various other ones help with the side effects, etc.  But about two years ago, the doctor encouraged him to look into Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s.  Dad resisted at first, but the doctor encouraged him again a few months ago.

    The procedure for Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s is described well on WebMD here.  As you can see from the picture, they put an electrode into your brain.  It is connected to a “pulse generator” which is placed under the skin near the collar bone.  This is then programmed to help especially with the involuntary movements and usually allows patients to cut down on medication too.

    The first step was to meet with the surgeon.  Dad had this consultation two months ago.  Not only did he confirm that dad was a good candidate, but it put his mind at ease.  He explained that Deep Brain Stimulation is something that has been done for years.  Dad’s surgeon (Doctor Eskandar at Mass General Hospital in Boston, MA) has done this surgery hundreds of times for many years, now.  It obviously still has real risks, but that made our whole family feel better.  They set the surgery for Thursday, August 15, 2013.

    DadMGHOn Wednesday, August 14, my wife and I flew up from Charlotte to Boston to be with dad.  We got a rental car, checked into our hotel and took the shuttle service to the hospital.  It was the day before and dad needed an MRI.  After the MRI, he got admitted and we spent the day at his room.  He was able to eat until midnight.  My mom, sister, and wife all stayed with him until it was time for him to rest for the night.

    On Thursday, we got to the hospital at 7:30 AM but dad was not in his room.  The nurses were kind enough to call down to the pre-operation room and they let us visit him there.  Interestingly, they made us put on “bunny suits” to make our way to see him.  My mom and sister are shown here in their suits.  We could not help but wonder if this was really necessary or if they just wanted to laugh at us as we walked to my dad’s room.  It was worth it.  We got to spend an hour or so with dad before they brought him to the surgery room.


    Mass General has a great way of keeping family members updated during surgery.  They told us dad went into the surgery room around 10:00 AM.  He went through prep for an about an hour or two.  Dad explains that it was during this time that they clamped his head down so that it would not move.  Then, the actual surgery took a couple hours.  Not too long after, dad was back in his room by late afternoon.

    Dad was a little emotional at first when he got back to his room.  This is understandable, because he was awake during the surgery prep and surgery itself.  Also, his meds make him a little extra emotional.  Of course, dad has always been an emotional person by nature.  In fact, he’s passed that on to me.  I’m always the first one to cry and my wife tends to make fun of me because of it.  No laughing!  Us Creed men are emotional sometimes.  We can’t help it!  Right dad?!?

    FamilyHospitalThat evening we all were with dad at the hospital.  To everyone else he is known as “Papa”.  But to me, he is just dad.

    You can see the entire family around his bed here.  You might notice that they had to shave most of his hair off (obviously).  Amazingly, my dad is 68 years old and his hair started growing back the very next day.  (I think his hair is thicker than mine.)

    At this point, the electrode is in.  But dad needs to go back in a few weeks to have the “pulse generator” (as shown in the picture above) put in.  Even then, we won’t see the benefits of the surgery.  It will be weeks later that it actually gets turned on and programmed.

    Dad actually went home on Friday, the day after the surgery.  On Saturday, he felt well enough to spend the day outside for a cookout with the whole family.  You can see him below with his spiffy new hat that he’ll be wearing while his hair continues to grow in.

    Family CookoutWe went to breakfast together on Sunday morning before my wife and I flew home.  He looked great and feels good overall.  He is still on the same amount of medication as before but did not need to take anything new because of the surgery.  In the weeks ahead, we hope he can come off a lot of the medications he is taking now for Parkinson’s.

    By the way, special thanks to our life-long friend of the family Debi Kent for taking the family cookout picture.  She’s part of the family too, but someone needed to take the picture.

    Thanks also to my best friend Erik Easler who came into Boston to sit with me at Mass General Hospital the entire time dad was in surgery.  He (and all Easlers) are part of our family, too.  Unfortunately, Erik had been sick so he was not able to visit dad in his room, but he sent this special message below to dad to congratulate him on his successful surgery.

    Erik Easler

    All our family and friends are very appreciative to the excellent staff at the hospital for treating our father so well and performing this surgery.  The facility was great and the nurses were top notch.  Special thanks to Doctor Eskandar and his entire staff.

    If you’d like to read more and see more pictures, you can read my sister’s account of what happened on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

  • Great week in Massachusetts with Family

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    I just flew home from a wonderful week in Massachusetts with my family.  My wife and I flew out last Wednesday, November 11, 2009 and came back yesterday (the Wednesday after).

    The flight up went smooth and although we stayed at my sister’s house, we needed to be very careful to not mention the surprise anniversary party we had planned for her that Saturday.

    My nieces, my mother, and others worked very hard to make the party a huge success.  About 100 attended from all over the country and we surprised them pretty good.  My sister and her husband expected to have a dinner with family and friends.  So, they were in for quite a shock.

    After a full dinner, we showed a slide show with video that my niece put together showing their 25 years of marriage.  She did a great job with it and I made comments while we showed it.  Then, the band that played at their wedding (25 years ago) played their wedding song again.  It was very nice.  My sister definitely got a little teary-eyed.

    During the trip, I got to spend some time with my parents, my nieces, and my sister & her husband.  They are all good people and I’m thankful to have such a close family.

    I also got together with my best friend and visited the Patriots Place for an afternoon.  That was fun.  (Even if they did lose by one point the previous Sunday.)

    The weather in New England is straight up cold.  I don’t know why it feels so cold there compared to NC.  The temperature is only 10–15 degrees colder, but it always seems to feel a lot colder to me.  The sun goes down about an hour earlier there too.

    Lastly, we got stuck on our plane for several hours while they “diagnosed a mechanical problem”.  At first, I had nothing to read & my wife was using the ipod touch.  But, once we finally got off the plane, I ran to buy a book and a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte.  I read about 150 pages by the time we landed.  Much better.  (I don’t do well with boredom.)

    I love my family and friends, but it’s good to be home.

  • David Kyle seems to be Missing

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    This is starting to make a few of us a little nervous, so here are some tweets to show what we know.

    (No joke, we’re a little concerned. If anyone lives or works near him, please let him know we’re looking for him. I’ll try to keep the page updated and/or people can leave comments)

    His most recent tweet was about 8:00 AM Thursday, Sep 3.

    Cara noticed that he was missing at the SEMCLT meeting that night.

    LesPorter mentioned around 8 AM that is he never checked in.

    …and that he is not returning voice mails.

    His voicemail is now full and no response still.

    Belias21 is going to drive by his work and look for his car.

    Leave a comment below if you know anything else…

  • My Europe trip to Vienna and Athens

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    My wife and I just got back this week from two weeks in Europe.  We spent one week in Vienna Austria and one week in Athens Greece.

    There were nine other friends of ours in our group, and we were with a tour group of about 80 people in two buses.  I did not take barely any pictures, but I did take almost 200 videos.  I’m currently trying to go through them all and post the stuff that is good.

    We absolutely loved Vienna.  What a beautiful city.  The architecture and culture there is just amazing.  Our trip included plenty of time walking around the city, visiting the cafes and restaurants, and attending to the Vienna Symphony Orchestra one evening.

    Athens was not quite as beautiful.  However, the history and sights were amazing.  We visited the Acropolis, the Areopagus (Mars hill), ancient Corinth, and other amazing locations.  We especially enjoyed the brand new Acropolis Museum.  It is the most amazing museum I have ever seen.  We also spent an entire day cruising a few Greek islands.

    I’m going to do my best to go through my videos as soon as possible to share with you the highlights.  However, right now my body is still getting used to the 7–hour time difference.  Therefore, my evenings are not that productive.

  • What I’ve been doing and will do

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    I know my family and some of my friends read this blog to stay updated on me, so here are some things I’m doing and what I will be doing.

    FAMILY:  Both of my nieces visited my wife and I (from Massachusetts) over the last month or two.  The 20–year old stayed for one week, but the 18–year old stayed for an additional three weeks.  We loved having them both.  I’m so proud of my sister (who I constantly like to tease) and her husband for raising such wonderful girls.  We love having them.

    Also, my parents are visiting next week.  I’m really excited about spending time with both of them.  My dad recently retired.  So we’re glad he can visit us and not have to rush back to work after.

    TRIPS:  Last week we went to the US National Whitewater Center.  It’s only 30 minutes from home and we got to do whitewater rafting and a 1,000 foot zip line.

    Sandy and I are especially looking forward to spending two weeks in Europe in July/August.  We will be visiting Austria and Greece.

    WORK:  Work is going well.  The economy does not seem to be affecting our industry.  Since January I have only been working 4 to 4–1/2 days per week.  It’s been my goal for a long time.  I finally got there.

  • Milestone for my Business Blog

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    I just noticed that my last blog post for my business blog – www.TheJungleMap.com was #501.  I started that blog back in October of 2006 and have been posting to it several times each and every month since.

    I don’t think I actually have 500 posts, but I am surprised about how long I’ve been doing this for.

    How appropriate that post #501 should be about “How to hire an SEO”.  You’d think I’d have that figured out by now.  HA!

  • Welcome Text

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    I’m Corey Creed, Welcome to my personal site

    I am the president of HIPPO Internet Marketing Training and the Director of Training for Social Fresh. I’m an Internet marketing strategist, search engine consultant, trainer, and blogger.

  • Snow day in Davidson – Part 2

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    In case you have not seen it, make sure you go watch my initial video report on the snow in Davidson on January 20, 2009.  Funny thing is, we actually did get a bunch of snow 15 days later on Wednesday, February 4, 2009.

    I’m sorry I did not do a full video journalistic report like the first one.  But here are some pictures of the snow we actually did get.


    You can see that it melted off the sidewalk by daybreak.


    But there was a couple inches on the grill, etc.


    Grass had a couple inches or so.


    So did the steps


    My car had ice under the snow.
    Had to run it for 10 minutes because I don’t have a scraper.


    Sandy and I had a snowball fight the night before,
    that’s why the the front of the car is cleaned off.


    My neighbors houses had snow on the roof.


    Nothing on the roads.


    Not a big deal.  No danger here.


    Here’s Davidson Pointe.  There’s a little ice on the road.
