Corey Creed may be available for hourly consulting.
Please note the sample topics below including brainstorming and website reviews.
Sample Consulting Topics
1. How to beat your competition online
2. Exactly how you can rank better on Google
3. Navigation layout for ideal ROI and usability
4. How to find other websites to advertise on
5. Improving your Google AdWords campaign
6. How to take advantage of Social Media Marketing
7. How to create more content for rankings
8. Prioritizing Internet marketing initiatives
9. and anything else…
Those that attend our classes know the power of brainstorming for keyword research, link building opportunities, social media initiatives, and other subjects.
Corey Creed can facilitate and/or assist with these important discussions for maximum benefit.
Website Reviews
If you would like a custom review of your existing website or website redesign, please contact us. We can provide a brief questionnaire for you to fill out. Your answers will serve as the basis for an interview before we get started.
When complete, you will be presented with a complete site review report. This will include a full page (or more) of recommendations. You will also be given a list of individuals and/or businesses that can assist you with handling these recommendations efficiently.
Pricing and Rates
Please contact us for exact pricing and availability.
Corey Creed is also willing to travel if expenses are handled by the client.
Typically, the hourly consulting rate is $150 per hour and $100 per hour for additional work as needed.
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