My New Productivity Coach – Commit Action!

  • Corey
  • January 14, 2015
  • 0

Today I signed up to have a weekly call with a productivity coach.  This has been about a month in the making.  It all started when I watched a recorded seminar video by Peter Shallard.  Peter is known for being the “Shrink for Entrepreneurs”.  He’s built a bit of a specialty for himself.

He has some amazingly interesting content on how entrepreneurs typically have the information they need and the tools they need, yet they typically do not succeed.  The main culprit is procrastination.

This is something I’ve known and worked at for the ten years I’ve been in business.  I’m proud of my business, my abilities, and (in general) my time management abilities.  I’ve even taught classes on the subject that have been very well received.

Yet, I agree with Peter Shallard that eliminating procrastination as much as humanly possible is by far the single most important thing I could be doing for my business.  Quite honestly, it is probably the most important thing I could do for my personal life too.

After implementing the concepts and tools that Peter has recommended in his free content over the last month, I’ve felt my productivity increase.  More importantly, I’ve felt my business move forward.  So today I took the next step and became a client of his.  The company is called Commit Action and they have a monthly membership in which a productivity coach calls you once per week and keeps you on track.

Let’s do this!  I can’t wait to see how much this helps.  I have a good feeling about it.


Corey Creed is a search engine specialist, internet marketing consultant and trainer, and blogger.
