I’ve been working for about three years toward working 4 or 4 1/2 days per week instead of five. (Actually, it’s been quite a bit more than five normally.)
So I wake up this morning with big plans to do some things I wanted to do. But it’s pouring rain. In fact, the weather says it is going to rain all day.
So I can’t quite do exactly everything I wanted to. In fact, I have a meeting over in Asheville this afternoon with a client and then with the friends who are renting our house.
But there are some things I can do to get caught up around the house. And the Boston Celtics are playing in Charlotte tonight.
I’m sure I can turn this rainy day into something enjoyable after all.
It ended up being pretty good. We have our renters for another year. Yay! They are doing a really good job of taking care of our house. I feel like they are caretakers instead of renters.
Corey – its not exactly “taking the day off” if you have a meeting with a client. Especially one that’s a long drive away!
Yes, true. I’m really just trying for 4-1/2 days off to start. The meeting was not until the mid-afternoon.